A New Website that Pays for Itself.

If you are running paid advertising on a second rate website, there's no way to mince words, you're throwing money away. Bring in an expert team for a fixed cost and watch your revenue grow in perpetuity.

Welcome to Flat Interactive

We help businesses grow by creating high performance web sites that optimize for SEO & User Retention. With the current pace of change in the digital landscape, you can get left behind. Having our team of experts in your corner will allow you to focus on the areas where you have the greatest impact. We love a challenge and we love to deliver beyond expectation. Tell us about your business challenges, we’ll partner with you and bring your business to the next level.

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What's Our Process?

Clean House

We’ll start by rebuilding your site with cutting edge technology. Our team will analyze your traffic analytics and current page structure with you to create a streamlined design that will give users the best experience possible.

Build a Presence

Once your site is built, we’ll add content that is optimized to be indexed by Google. Based on keyword research and customer demographics, we’ll find keywords where we can be competitive We’ll use videos, images, and other multimedia elements to make sure that users have an enjoyable experience.

Optimize Internally

We’ll focus on improving the performance of your website. Our team will conduct extensive A/B testing to ensure that your site is easy to use and that the pages are loading quickly. We’ll also work with you to set up effortless lead management.

Why Flat Interactive?

We have years of experience and expertise in both the digital marketing and web development space. We’ve had clients that were really being robbed and given a mediocre product at best. We operate with very little overhead and save you money while making you a competitor in today’s marketing landscape.

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